Felix Pauck
Static Code Analysis Developer at SonarSource. Previously PhD Student at Paderborn University. Program / Software / Code analysis enthusiast. Living the clean code philosophy.

PhD / Research Projects
AQL-SystemThe AQL-System and all tools using it are now available in version 2.0.0 (also on Maven). The documentation has also been updated. In particular, video tutorials are now available. The changelog can be inspected here.

JicerOur static Android app slicer, namely Jicer, is easily usable and supports various features. One of the most important features is APK input and output that allows us to employ Jicer in cooperative analysis scenarios. An example App Dependence Graph (ADG) produced by Jicer can be found here. The ADG is based on the example used in the paper and in the video available at the associated github project: https://github.com/FoelliX/Jicer.

TaintBenchTaintBench is an Android taint analysis benchmark and more! In contrast to popular micro benchmarks such as DroidBench, it consists of real-world malware applications. Nonetheless it comes with a ground-truth. In addition to the benchmark suite, we extended ReproDroid to better suite the creation and execution of real-world benchmarks. Further information about both can be found in the associated paper (to appear) and on github: https://github.com/TaintBench

AMTThe Android Merge Tool (AMT) does what the name suggests: it merges arbitrary Android apps into a single merged app. As input it takes a number of Android packages (.apk files) and outputs the merged app as one Android package. Along with this primary output, a report is generated optionally. It contains information about the properties (e.g. taint-flows) changed. AMT is available on github: https://github.com/FoelliX/AMT

CoDiDroidAlong with the paper "Together Strong: Cooperative Android App Analysis" we developed CoDiDroid, a cooperative (and distributed) Android app analysis tool framework. It represents an instance of a network of analysis tools build by setting up different AQL-WebServices. More information about CoDiDroid can be found on github: https://github.com/FoelliX/CoDiDroid

ReproDroidReproDroid, the Android Benchmark Reproduction Framework, is a framework which can be used to create, refine and execute reproducible benchmarks for Android app analysis tools. All details are available on github: https://github.com/FoelliX/ReproDroid

AQL-SystemThe Android App Analysis Query Language (AQL) consists of two main parts, namely AQL-Queries and AQL-Answers. AQL-Queries enable us to ask for Android specific analysis subjects in a general, tool independent way. More information and the associated AQL-System can be found on github: https://github.com/FoelliX/AQL-System

PhD successfully defended
[Link] [DOI]

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Research Awards
  • 2024:
    • Presenting my thesis "Cooperative Android App Analysis" as Nominee for the GI-Dissertation-Award at Schloss Dagstuhl in Wadern, Germany (Link 1, Link 2)

    • SE 2024 Presented my thesis "Cooperative Android App Analysis" as Nominee for the Ernst Denert Award at SE 2024 in Linz, Austria (Link)

  • 2023:
    • SecDev 23 Program Committee Member

    • MOBILESoft 2023: Program Committee Member (Research Track - Link)

    • SE 2023: Presenting the paper "Jicer: Simplifying Cooperative Android App Analysis Tasks" at SE 2023 in Paderborn, Germany (Link)

  • 2022:
    • ASE 22 Presenting the paper "Scaling Arbitrary Android App Analyses" at ASE 2022's A-Mobile Workshop in Rochester, Michigan (Link)

    • ICSE 22 Presenting the paper "TaintBench: Automatic real-world malware benchmarking of Android taint analyses" at ICSE 2022 (virtually and in-person in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) (Link)

    • ETAPS 2022: Presenting "Backwards Compatibility and its Effect on Cooperative Analysis" at ETAPS 2022's COOP Workshop in Munich, Germany (Link)

    • iFM 2022: Artifact Evaluation Committee Member (Link)

    • FASE 2022: Artifact Evaluation Committee Member (Link)

  • 2021:
    • SCAM 21 Presenting the paper "Jicer: Simplifying Cooperative Android App Analysis Tasks" at SCAM 2021 (virtually) (Link)

    • ISSTA 2021: Artifact Evaluation Committee Member (Link)

    • SE 21 Presenting the paper "Together Strong: Cooperative Android App Analysis" at SE 2021 (virtually) in Braunschweig, Germany (Link)

  • 2020:
    • ECOOP 20 • Artifact Evaluation Committee Member (Link)
      • Doctoral Symposium Committee Member (Link)

    • SE 20 Presenting the paper "Do Android taint analysis tools keep their promises?" at SE 2020 in Innsbruck, Austria (Link)

  • 2019:
    • Google Summit: Google Compiler and Programming Language Summit 9th - 11th December 2019 in Munich, Germany

    • ASE 19 Presenting the paper "Android App Merging for Benchmark Speed-Up and Analysis Lift-Up" at ASE 2019's A-Mobile Workshop in San Diego, California (Link)

    • ESEC/FSE 2019 Presented the paper "Together Strong: Cooperative Andriod App Analysis" at ESEC/FSE 2019 in Tallinn, Estonia (Link)

    • ECOOP 19 Invited talk: "Android Taint-Analysis Benchmarks: Past, Present and Future" at ECOOPS 2019's BenchWork Workshop in London, United Kingdom (Link)

    • Software Engineering Forschungsmethoden Training at Schloss Dagstuhl in Wadern, Germany (Link 1, Link 2)

  • 2018:
    • ESEC/FSE 18 Presented the paper "Do Android taint analysis tools keep their promises?" at ESEC/FSE 2018 in Orlando, Florida ( Link)
    • Participated in the ROSE Festival at ESEC/FSE 2018 in Orlando, Florida (Link)
Supervised Theses
  • 2021 Master:
    Android App Analysis Benchmark Case Generation

  • 2020 Bachelor:
    Upgrading Android Apps via Soot

  • 2018 Master:
    Combining Android Apps for Analysis Purposes

Teaching Activities
  • 2020/21:
    • Seminar: Software Analysis (Link)
    • Seminar:
      Software Verification (Link)
    • Model Checking (Link)

  • 2019/20:
    • Software Analysis (Link)
    • Project Group: BANANA (Link)

  • 2018/19:
    • Modeling (Link)
    • Seminar:
      Android App Analysis (Link)

  • 2017/18:
    • Software Analysis (Link)
Student Projects

A3 A3 Student project (Master): Android App Analysis (Project Group)
One part of the masters program at the paderborn university is to participate in a project group. In such a group 5 to 10 students will develop over 1 year a piece of software together. In case of the A³ project group it is an Android App Analysis tool. We started in the summer term of 2015 and finished in the winter term 2015/16. In this period of time 9 poeple have been working together and the result is PAndA².
BP Student project (Bachelor): BierPool BattleProgrammers

Open Calendar